Commercial Real Estate

For decades, we have provided finance solutions for commercial real estate builders, developers and investors, creating long-term relationships with clients by earning their trust throughout the ups and downs of economic cycles.

Our regional teams across Canada have accumulated extensive experience in structuring commercial real estate credit facilities, including construction of single-family homes, high- and low-rise condominiums, multi-unit residential facilities, and commercial & industrial properties, as well as land development.

We know every market is different and requires specialized knowledge of asset classes and geographical nuances. That’s why with our regional presence across Canada, we’re well positioned to help builders and investors complete their projects. With our team structured to serve both builders and investors, we offer a more streamlined approach to financing projects. View our full team of Real Estate experts and Income Property Finance experts.

As a long-term financial solutions provider for the industry, we understand the cyclical nature of the business. BMO Commercial Bank has been a stable, consistent financial partner for three decades, and we remain committed to providing the solutions you need.

Commercial Real Estate Experts

Mike Beg

Mike Beg

Head, Real Estate Finance
Brad Botting, BMO

Brad Botting

Head of Income Property Finance

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